Meet The Abunai! Staff – Joep

Aug 17, 2017 | Meet The Abunai! Staff

Welcome to ‘Meet The Abunai! Staff’, a column in which you’ll be introduced to our staff members. Staff members, they’re just like people! We’d love for you to get more acquainted with our dear volunteers and to accomplish this, they graciously agreed to be interviewed after I threatened them. Make contact with Joep who, as Event and Support staff, is vital to our main stage.   

Meet Joep

Name: Joep
Age: 25
Height: 190
Blood type: Poppy
Abunai! Position: Event/Support Staff

Tell us a bit about yourself!
I’m poppy. I’m poppy. I’m poppy. I’m poppy. I’m poppy. I’m poppy. I’m poppy. I’m poppy. I’m poppy. I’m poppy. I’m poppy. I’m poppy. I’m poppy. I’m poppy. [Editor’s note: This is Joep. Joep adores Poppy.] 

What do you like most about (your position at) Abunai?
Creating and looking for awesome new events for myself as well as creating looks for light and video for our main stage. Beside that I don’t do anything other than bullying the staff with That Poppy.  [Editor’s note: I can confirm this.]

What’s your favorite Abunai! memory?
That moment when most of the staff got really sick of my Poppy posts. [Editor’s note: I think we’ve reached that point long ago and we’re now just suffering from Stockholm Syndrome collectively.]

What is your alignment?
I’m Poppy! [Editor’s note: I got a feeling he’s Chaotic Neutral…]

Do you prefer weeb or otaku?
None. I prefer Poppy above all!

If you were a magical girl, what style would your outfit be and what would your power be?
Did you just assume my gender?

Playstation, PC, Xbox, or Nintendo?
Anything I can watch That Poppy on.

If you were to write a self-insert fic, to which anime/manga/game would you transport yourself to? And with which character would you start a relationship?
Computer boy from poppy playing as the computer boy.

Favorite karaoke song? Please note that you (may) have to  sing your answer at the convention 😉
That Poppy – Lowlife

If you could Cosplay as anyone regardless of your skill(s), who would you Cosplay as?

What are you looking most forward to this Abunai?
Playing Poppy songs thru the mainstage PA system on 103 db(a).

Anything else you’d like to share?
Poppy isn’t a cult! [Editor’s note: …I fear we’ve lost him.]