Meet The Abunai! Staff – Angelica

Aug 13, 2017 | Meet The Abunai! Staff

Welcome to ‘Meet The Abunai! Staff’, a column in which you’ll be introduced to our staff members. Staff members, they’re just like people! We’d love for you to get more acquainted with our dear volunteers and to accomplish this, they graciously agreed to be interviewed after I threatened them. Please greet the amazing Angelica, who’s part of our Cosplay team. 

Meet Angelica

Name:            Angelica 
Age:                 23
Height:           174cm
Blood type:   no idea, probably poison or straight salt
Abunai! Position: Cosplay

Tell us a bit about yourself!
Crazy catlady, cosplayer and chaotic. I really love my cat Dalischa or Doosje. She is a very fluffy Maine Coon lady and she loves belly rubs, her Rattata toy and chicken. Next to that, she is in charge of quality control of my cosplays. If she manages to destroy something, it was not good enough. 🙂

I’ll try to get on stage with a few of my costumes next year again, so please cheer for me. It will all be for acting competitions probably, because I love to write skits and help people with them. That is where my chaotic mind is useful. ‘But what if … happens?” It never is crazy enough. My best idea was for a friend of mine though and I really hope to see it on stage!

What do you like most about (your position at) Abunai?
Talking and guiding all the cosplay compo participants! It is a lot of fun (and work), but I try to help them with my own competition experiences.

What’s your favorite Abunai! memory?
…. Eeeeey Macarena! And the people who cared for me when I was extremely tired and done last year. Thank you! (You know who you are!)

What is your alignment?
Lawful Good. (So boring, but true…)

Do you prefer weeb or otaku?
Otaku, I guess?

If you were a magical girl, what style would your outfit be and what would your power be?
Either something princess-y or swimsuit-like, maybe both? Power? Something with water please! I love water!

Playstation, PC, Xbox, or Nintendo?
This is torture! Currently: PS4, but will change to PC soon. However, long travels are better with a 3DS!

If you were to write a self-insert fic, to which anime/manga/game would you transport yourself to? And with which character would you start a relationship?
Horizon Zero Dawn. Just so I can see how long I would be capable of holding out against those machines. Relationship? I won’t even do that to fictional characters right now. I’m still recovering from a pretty abusive one and totally not ready for a new relationship now.

Favorite karaoke song? Please note that you (may) have to  sing your answer at the convention 😉
FYI: I don’t sing. Not even under the shower. (No, no permission to check in my hotelroom or anywhere else. Creeps.)

If you could Cosplay as anyone regardless of your skill(s), who would you Cosplay as?
If you’re holding yourself back, because you don’t have the skills: how are you going to learn? It might not give the best results, but my motto is: trying is learning! Try many skills and find out what suits you, even if you get negative remarks about it.

Currently, I’m trying to make Aloy (Horizon Zero Dawn) with the Banuk Ice hunter medium armor. I have no clue what I’m doing and it probably will look like nothing, but I’m trying to find the limits of what I can make even with my lack of 3D vision. And I already have learned three new skills.

What are you looking most forward to this Abunai?
Hosting a lot of the competitions! I had to promise not to dance this time, though. L And seeing the creations of the competitors of course!

Anything else you’d like to share?
I hope you enjoy Abunai! And high-fives are welcome when I’m running through the hallways. 🙂