Aug 13, 2015 | Uncategorized
On Friday, the 14th of August, the door prices for our tickets will be put in order. At that time, we will also close registrations for the dinner buffet, so get your cheap tickets and your dinner vouchers before then! At this time we’ll close the sales for...
Aug 13, 2015 | Uncategorized
As some of you might know NH Koningshof contains an indoor pool which is freely accessible for guests staying at the hotel. However please be advised that the hotel requests that cosplay outfits and / or wigs stay out of the pool. We understand that some of you are...
Aug 2, 2015 | Ticket Sales
Following our previous announcement, the Saturday ticket sales really sky rocketed and are now officially sold out. We are of course very happy to hear that so many people want to attend Abunai!, but unfortunately there is also a downside. If you did not acquire a...
Aug 2, 2015 | Ticket Sales
Heads-up for everyone who did not register for a ticket yet: Ticket sales for the Saturday are nearing it’s sold-out point, and with this also “All Weekend” tickets. If you did not get your ticket yet, don’t wait too long! If a day gets sold...
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