Welcome to ‘Meet The Abunai! Staff’, a column in which you’ll be introduced to our staff members. Staff members, they’re just like people! We’d love for you to get more acquainted with our dear volunteers and to accomplish this, they graciously agreed to be interviewed after I threatened them. Get acquainted with the marvelous Floris, head of our Events team and the mastermind behind our beloved AMV competition.
Meet Floris
Name: Floris
Age: 30
Height: 180 cm
Blood type: A
Abunai! Position: Events Manager
Tell us a bit about yourself!
My name is Floris and I’ve been involved with Abunai for 14 years now. Throughout the years, I have been a gopher, steward, staffmember Events, Manager and Boardmember, so I’ve done a lot of different things, really.
Besides that I’m a law student in daily life and provide the Foundation with legal advice when necessary. Apart from all those boring things, I’m an avid gamer and a connoisseur of beer, whiskey and sushi, which are best enjoyed all at the same time.
What do you like most about (your position at) Abunai?
As the one who is responsible for everything related to Events, me and my team have to choose which events to add to our schedule and which events to drop, which can be quite hard sometimes.
It’s hard to predict how people react to changes or new additions. Apart from that, organizing all the workshops, lectures and whatnot takes a lot of time and effort, which you always hope that in the end will be appreciated by our visitors.
What I like most is the moment that I hear visitors talking about how they are enjoying themselves and like the convention even more than the year before. That’s when I know we made the right decisions and that all the time and energy we’ve put into the convention was totally worth it.
What’s your favorite Abunai! memory?
I think that’s the AMV competition, which I organize myself every year. Handing the first place trophy to the winner and seeing him or her going totally wild always brings a smile to my face.
Oh, and that time where I did the Macarena and the Kamehameha on stage while our tech team was fixing some technical issues which would later be known as the “Blue Lines of Death” is something I won’t forget anytime soon either…
What is your alignment?
Lawful Neutral.
Do you prefer weeb or otaku?
No, I prefer girls.
If you were a magical girl, what style would your outfit be and what would your power be?
It would be nerdy and my power would be finding out how the hell I got myself into that situation in the first place.
Playstation, PC, Xbox, or Nintendo?
All, except Xbox.
If you were to write a self-insert fic, to which anime/manga/game would you transport yourself to? And with which character would you start a relationship?
If I would reach this level of weebness, I would transport myself to Sword Art Online and hook up with Asuka.
Favorite karaoke song? Please note that you (may) have to sing your answer at the convention 😉
Hard to choose, Lithium Flower from Ghost in the Shell: Standalone Complex or Dress from Trinity Blood, I guess. Old stuff.
If you could Cosplay as anyone regardless of your skill(s), who would you Cosplay as?
Auron from Final Fantasy X would be awesome, but that sword is a bit of a hazard.
What are you looking most forward to this Abunai?
I’m interested in how our visitors will like our new Matsuri and Karaoke Bar and I’m very interested in Japone’s new show. It’s bound to be awesome!
Anything else you’d like to share?
Have a great time, and be sure to let me know what your think of this years convention!