Jun 19, 2017 | Announcements, Events
Haru, lead vocalist of the band universe, will take the Main Stage to perform solo at Abunai! 2017. Please check out the video below for a special message from him to you, the lovely visitors of Abunai! With his dazzling singing voice, universe beat 5,000 other...
Jun 14, 2017 | vacancies, Volunteers
Abunai! is looking for Stewards to give us a helping hand during Abunai! 2017: History in the Making. A Steward is a lovely volunteer who will act as security, performing various tasks in order to keep the visitors safe. A Steward helps out for a minimum of 6 hours...
Jun 14, 2017 | vacancies, Volunteers
Abunai! is looking for Gophers for Abunai! 2017: History in the Making. A Gopher is a lovely volunteer who will give us a helping hand during the con, performing various tasks. A Gopher helps out for a minimum of 6 hours per day, in 3 hour shifts. There are several...
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